O Canada

O Canada

The scenic lands of Canada featuring maple leaves, snow-capped mountains, turquoise lakes and Toronto. Take in the sights in this photo gallery exhibition and see how easy it is to replicate with some MDX magic and tailwind classes.

Features images served using next/image component. The locally stored images are located in a folder with the following path: /images/blog/canada/[filename].jpg

Since we are using mdx, we can create a simple responsive flexbox grid to display our images with a few tailwind css classes.




<div className="-mx-2 flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden xl:-mx-2">
  <div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">
  <div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">
  <div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">
  <div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">

With MDX v2, one can interleave markdown in jsx as shown in the example code.

Photo Credits

Maple photo by Guillaume Jaillet on Unsplash

Mountains photo by John Lee on Unsplash

Lake photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash

Toronto photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

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